NEWS Delivering Expert English and Maths Tuitions !

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Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Our emphasis is on holistic education – learning. The curriculum is designed by highly experienced teachers and focuses on pedagogy. Our unwavering attention to detail and focus on quality education is reflected in the curriculum design..

We believe that the foundation of learning is, good curriculum, proper instructions, and timely feedback. The three pillars, namely the student, teacher, and parental support, stand on this solid foundation. A constant focus on the model delivers a successful outcome, and authentic learning happens.

The outcomes are astounding, as seen by an NRICH Learning student’s increased confidence, skill set, and enjoyment due to their unique accomplishments.

The answer is yes, we do. Our course material and training prepare the child to crack these exams easily. We also run special classes to prepare the child for the NAPLAN, ICAS and other tests.

Many schools like to interview the child before they offer a highly contested scholarship placement. These interviews could be conducted by the school principal or by a panel of teachers. The questions can vary from general awareness, critical thinking, or analytical techniques. The questions rarely test the academic excellence of the child.

Two specialised 1-hour sessions have been designed to help prepare children for this important stage. We have assisted multiple children in preparing and boosting their confidence level before they appear for the interviews. Our team prepares the child with techniques to appear confident in facing these interviews.

Yes, we do. Please enquire with the centre manager about the cost of the 1:1 tutoring option for your child.

We understand the importance of small group size in our courses. Our group size is no more than seven students per teacher.

Children indeed respond to different subjects and lessons in different ways. Some people are natural writers, while others excel in math. However, emphasising learning differences obscures the fundamental similarities in how human minds operate.

Our brains categorise information. This truth is incorporated into our successful teaching methods, which assist even the youngest minds to recognise vital parallels between various objects. Our teachers congratulate our students on their accomplishments as they learn to detect patterns and apply ideas independently.

Our courses are designed in a way that there are ten classes during a school Term. We conduct an exam in the last class. All students are required to sit the exam. All exams are marked, and feedback provided to parents. The feedback provided is an essential component and is very valuable. It shows the areas where the child needs more practice and the areas of strength.

All our courses are aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Reading, composition, math, and logic are all highlighted in our classes. We promote individual and independent thinking and teach traditional Australian history and values. Learn more about our courses and curriculum details here.

Yes, we do have special courses for gifted and talented students. Unlike the conventional school/classroom setting, we don’t bind the student to their school year level (though all our courses are designed in a way that we teach our students a level higher than the standard grade level).

Yes, we have special courses starting at year 5 to prepare the child for the selective school tests. The course material has been designed in line with the needs of the exams and provides the much-needed practice to prepare the child for the exam.

We also conduct workshops during the term breaks for students interested in gaining strength or brushing up on specialised topics such as Creative/Persuasive Writing, Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning, etc.

The enrolment process is a simple three (3) step process.

  1. Register your interest on the website or call your nearest centre manager to enquire about the course you’re interested in.
  2. If you wish to take a trial/assessment lesson, please ask the centre manager for the timing. There may be a fee involved. Take the assessment test and discuss the result.
  3. Pay the term fee and secure your child’s place for the course.

We do offer some of our classes (typically higher grades, VCE) online. Based on the Government’s health advice, we have conducted online tutoring lessons during the pandemic. Please enquire with the centre manager for details.

We do provide homework to students. We expect the child to complete the assigned work before the next class and hand over the completed assignment to the teacher. The teachers mark the completed work (if submitted in time) and provide feedback. We don’t expect the parents to help the child with the homework but request them to remind the child to complete and submit the assignment in time. Late submissions are not assessed/marked.

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