NEWS Delivering Expert English and Maths Tuitions !

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Curriculum Overview

Our courses are aligned to the prescribed Australian Curriculum. Our courses focus on the subjects that form a foundation for all future education:
  • The Reading program balances the three interrelated strands of language, literature and literacy. We focus on developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating.
  • Students engage with a variety of texts. The students listen to (Year 1 to 4), read, view and interpret (Year 5 – 9) spoken, written and multimodal texts, as well as texts designed to inform and persuade. These encompass traditional oral texts such as stories, poetry, fiction, non-fiction, film, multimodal texts, etc.
  • Composition is required for clear, precise thinking in any subject since effectively conveying ideas in writing necessitates and encourages intellectual exploration and precision. Students create a range of imaginative, informative, and persuasive texts, including narratives, procedures, performances, reports, reviews, and expositions.
  • Literary texts that support and extend students as independent readers describe complex sequences of events that involve unusual happenings within a framework of familiar experiences.

The essential aspect of
is the clarity of concepts.

Our worksheets provide the students with various texts (narratives, informative science, current affair topics, movies, technology, world personalities etc.). The students get a holistic learning experience, along with enriching their language and literacy skills. The teacher also emphasises building the vocabulary while reading and comprehending the text.

We teach and practice various writing styles such as persuasive, expository, descriptive and narratives. Every writing assignment comes with helpful clues to get the young writer to get a head start. The tutor engages the students to write the essays in a framework that brings a structure to their writing. The importance of engaging the reader is emphasised and explained through various tools. Alongside the writing, the students get to practice and improve their grammar and punctuation.

Math is the study of measurement that helps us understand the enormous universe. It starts with arithmetic, which is similar to literacy in terms of numbers.

Our Mathematics program takes the students from the average skill level to an advanced level. The program prepares the students to solve complex word problems with ease. The content and approach of our workshops and practice exams, focuses on the types of questions found in the actual examination your child will be sitting. This provides the child an essential experience of the exam scenario. Numerical reasoning exercises are also an important part of our Mathematics program.

Mastery of these disciplines strengthens a student in all other subjects. Topics or skills described in certain grades are learnt and reinforced at various levels and across curricula. We have the freedom to do what is best for our students and utilise proven, successful curriculum and methods to teach and challenge them, unlike other tutoring institutes.

We encourage students, to base their thinking on observable facts and to evaluate, integrate, or reject new ideas when they come across them, but not to allow contradictions. This is an important part of our good teaching since it teaches pupils to think for themselves. We occasionally inject faults into lessons to teach students the importance of evaluating and validating anything they choose to accept as fact.

Our goal is to encourage intellectual freedom rather than submission and rote memorisation.

Coming in for a tour and seeing the excitement, focus, fun, and achievement for yourself is the greatest way to discover how effective NRICH Learning’s curriculum is.