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Enrolment applications are accepted year-round. Submit your application early to ensure consideration before classes are filled. Please note that we don’t take more than 7 students in a class. Enrolling your child is a simple 3 step process.
Step 1
Call us to discuss your needs, book a time to meet and get the child assessed
Step 2
We assess the child and provide guidance on the right course
Step 3
Fill the enrolment form, pay the Term fee and attend the weekly classes
Kindly read our Terms and Conditions when enrolling. Fees are charged by the Term in advance.
We offer free assessment for one course only, so if you are looking to get your child assessed in more than one courses, you may be asked to pay the assessment fee. The centre manager would assign a test and evaluate the child based on the test results. The centre manager will also provide you a feedback on your child’s performance in the assessment test.
We run weekly classes for each course. The courses are conducted during the school term. There are 10 classes conducted during the school term. The structure of the classes is as follows
Week 1 to 8
New subject matter taught in the class.
Week 9
Revision of concepts taught in week 1 to 8.
Week 10
Term End exam based on concepts taught during week 1 to 9.
We conduct a Term end exam at the end of each Term. This is an important component which provides both the teachers and the parents a measurement on the child’s progress. It is important that the child does not skip the exam. All exam papers are marked, and a comprehensive feedback is provided to the parents.
We offer multiple payment methods, such as direct debit, bank transfers and credit card. All fees are payable in advance, before attending the course. Fees are charged by the term. Please see the Terms and conditions for details. Please note that all fees are non-refundable.
Full fee will be charged if the child is absent for a class without prior notice. The parent needs to provide an advance notice of at least 2 days for any planned absence. In case of health and medical issues we ask that you kindly let us know at least 2 hrs before the class. Only one(1) make up class can be arranged per term. We can not however guarantee the same teacher/tutor for the make-up class.
Most of the NRICH courses assign weekly homework for the child to complete. The homework must be submitted on the following week to be marked by the teacher. Late submissions won’t be accepted and will not be marked.
You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: