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Teachers Teach From Their Hearts


Teachers Teach From Their Hearts

“The teacher is the one who gets the most out of the lessons and the true teacher is the learner.”

– Elbert Hubbard

A true teacher will talk to you about his/her experiences in life and not adhere only to the books. S/he will give you the lessons s/he learned from life. It’s not that books are not important, but they are more useful in the case of self-learning when you have no teacher to turn to. But when you have a teacher, why should you depend on the books for your knowledge? Isn’t it the task of the teacher to give you an idea about life?

No matter what situation you’re in or what struggles you’re facing, no experience is unique. Always remember that it has been faced by someone, at some point of time in the universe. Even if you have never met the person who has similar experiences, there’s no reason to believe that you’re alone in it. And that’s what a true teacher can help you realize. If S/he goes by the book, you will never get a complete understanding of the way you can overcome challenges and enhance your life.

That’s why a true teacher should understand your problems by heart and teach from the heart to help you overcome the situation and move forward. S/he will narrate his/her experiences that may not be the same but are quite similar to the ones you have. That will help you bond with your teacher and trust him/her with your issues.

What are the main qualities of a teacher who teaches from the heart?

The primary goal in life is to find a teacher, a mentor, who can encourage you to make the most of your life. For that, s/he should teach you from the heart, make you feel comfortable enough to share your problems and offer real-life solutions to the issues. Knowledge from the books can never be applied in real life if you don’t understand them deeply. That’s why the teacher acts as a middleman between the knowledge of the books and your realization, making you feel every single that you learn by giving you real-life examples.

Here are some of the finest qualities of a teacher who teaches from the heart.

Power of narration – The best teacher should be a fantastic storyteller. S/he will have to gain your attention and not force you into listening to him/her. You will do that automatically.

Practical knowledge – One cannot claim to a true teacher if s/he has not learned anything from life but only from the books s/he has read. While there may be similarities between the author’s experience and that of the teacher, you will feel more connected if the teacher had those experiences that s/he talks about so passionately.

Intelligence – A true teacher will know how to influence your mind and set it in the right direction, and that requires intelligence. Human beings are egoist creatures. They may not listen to someone simply because s/he asks them to. So, intelligence is one of the primary qualities of a good teacher.

Are you looking for a teacher to guide you in life? Look for the aforementioned qualities in a person, and if you find him/her, know that you have found your teacher.

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