NEWS Delivering Expert English and Maths Tuitions !

Visitors: 36884

Term 3 - 2021

After celebrating a well-accomplished and successful term, we at NRICH Learning are pleased to welcome you to join us through the journey of knowledge and success. We look forward to another term of learning and prosperity with a perennial quest for knowledge for years to come.

Tuitions are not only necessary but also an integral part of education these days. The courses have become more complicated over the years, and the students of today feel quite overwhelmed with all the additional assignments and projects that they must complete within the academic year. They require extra guidance every now and then, and the parents cannot provide them with the same.

Enters tuition classes!

Tuition classes are no longer optional for the students to complete their courses on time. Let us discuss 4 important reasons why tuitions are so important for the students of this age.

1. They provide you with extra guidance

It may not be possible for every teacher to clarify all the doubts of every student within the regular classroom. Many of the students leave the classroom with tons of queries in their minds and no one to turn to for explanations. With tuition classes, they can enjoy the one-on-one attention of the tutor and clarify all their doubts without any hassle. Thus, the tuitions provide them with the extra guidance that they need to understand their courses better.

2. Tuitions are affordable

Tuitions offer great help to their students without costing the parents a fortune. You can easily opt for affordable tuition services for your ward, where they will get the much-required guidance from qualified tutors. Ask your wards if they enjoy attending their tuitions, and if their response is positive, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

3. Tuitions are relaxing and informal

Many tutors develop a close bond with the students, which is nearly impossible in the formal classroom. For introverted or shy students, this is a key benefit, as they can open up to their tutors to get their queries resolved. You may even find your ward seeking help from his/her tutor for matters outside academics, and then you will know that s/he has found someone to trust and rely on.

4. Tuitions can reduce your responsibilities

As a parent, you may have other responsibilities, like work, business, meetings, domestic chores, and other things to take care of. You may not get the time to sit with your child and teach him/her every day. Tuitions can lessen your guilt of not attending to your child’s lessons to some extent and provide you with the much- needed space. You will know that your child is in good hands if they enjoy the classes they attend.

Term 3 dates

#Saturday BatchesSunday Batches
117th July 202118th July 2021
224th July 202125th July 2021
331st July 20211st August 2021
47th August 20218th August 2021
514th August 202115th August 2021
621st August 202122nd August 2021
728th August 202129th August 2021
84th September 20215th September 2021
911th September 202112th September 2021
1018th September 2021(EXAM)19th September 2021(EXAM)

What is new in Term 3:

  1. Introducing Early Reading Program for young readers: A weekly one-hour program for young readers aimed at improving their reading skills. The program focuses on early learners and children in need of support deciphering letter sounds and recognising cues to construct meaning when reading.
  2. NRICH Coding: Coding FUNdamentals introduced through SCRATCH. A multi-level computing program that prepares students for the challenges of the present and future. Look out for more details on this soon.

Operational Centres:

Our in-person classes run on weekends along with an available option of online learning. We are currently running three fully functional and operational centres in Melbourne. We offer our students the privilege to attend back up sessions at any centre if they missed out on their regular classes. We also give a free trial class to each incoming prospective student. This is for the students and parents to experience our learning methods to make a well-informed decision.

For further information and queries, please feel free to contact us without any hesitation. We are here to help you carve a beautiful academic journey for your child. So, let us help you help your child build a thriving and prospering tomorrow!

Classes conducted at the following locations.

  1. Ringwood Secondary School,
    55 Bedford Road, Ringwood, VIC- 3134.
  2. Marriott Waters Family & Community Centre,
    25 Boland Drive, Lyndhurst, VIC – 3975
  3. Selandra Rise Family & Community Centre,
    45 Haflinger Ave, Clyde North, VIC – 3978

Special Offers:

1. Bring a friend

If your friend enrols, both you and your friend will receive a $50 gift certificate to use towards the following term or following year’s tuition fees.

Write a review for us

Loyal customers like you are important to us and we appreciate your continued support. We were wondering if you could help us out today and write a [Google / Facebook] review. This helps other parents like you find us and it really helps our business. Tell us about your latest experience, or something you love about NRICH Learning. Go right to our page using this link—leaving a review takes less than a minute! Here are the links.


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