NEWS Delivering Expert English and Maths Tuitions !

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Term 2 - 2021

After celebrating a well-accomplished and successful term, we at NRICH Learning are pleased to welcome you to join us through the journey of knowledge and success. We look forward to another year of learning and prosperity with a perennial quest for knowledge for years to come.

Why choose NRICH Learning?

With an enriched quality experience of over 25 years in the field of teaching, the Director of the centre, Mrs Seema Bharti, is a teacher of proven methods, skills and specialisation in varied areas. The tutors at our centres are fully trained and equipped in accordance with the learning and academic system laid in Victoria, Australia. The tutors come with varying levels of experience in the field of teaching and expertise in the diversified subject matter.

In addition to this, we also acknowledge and focus on the cognitive learning and development of students. The learning process is not limited to old school textbook methods but includes a more condensed form of practical and interactive coaching. Our goal is to enhance students’ ability to acquire and hone their reflective and analytical learning skills, critical thinking and soft skills. Our methods are unique, innovative, and dynamic, adjusted to each student’s tones and requirements and capabilities.

The class size varies from one-to-one coaching to a maximum of 7 students per class. The small student-teacher ratio is crucial for an individualistic and step-by-step learning process, enabling exponential growth and success. Each student is assigned homework based on the week’s learning which the concerned teacher then evaluates through the following week. The feedback on homework is quite elaborate and subjective. This helps parents track their child’s weekly performance in the class and the work done at home. Towards the end of each term, each student is made to sit for an end of the term test. This test serves as a revision of all the topics covered in a single term. Through such exams, we test our students on their overall understanding and capacity to grasp throughout the term. The final report cards are then handed over to the parents to discuss their child’s progress through the term. This gives the parents a distinct clarity in terms of their child’s improvement in performance throughout the term and keeps track of the sessions.

Subject Areas Offered:

At NRICH, we run classes for all grades from Prep to Year 12. Apart from this, we also have special scholarship and VCE batches for students who want to run the extra mile and further tickle their brain cells. The subjects offered are English and Mathematics for all grades.

Our course structure is comprehensive and exhaustive. Our well-aligned and state of the art designed curriculum focuses on conceptual understanding of Mathematics, English and Reading and Analytical Writing skills. The emphasis is on starting early. Mathematical concepts and core English Grammar needs to be assimilated from a young and tender age to demonstrate proficiency and goal-centric results further in their career.

At NRICH, we conduct preliminary tests to evaluate the students and highlights their respective strengths and weaknesses. Each student receives a personalised intuitive feedback on the results, which help us designate an appropriate level/grade for enrolment.

Curriculum Content:

English Tutoring: The course content offered for English is quite extensive and elaborate. Our primary focus is on laying a strong foundation in grammar, vocabulary, (persuasive/creative) writing and reading skills. We aim to achieve this through interactive and engaged learning. The worksheets cover each aspect of the critical learning process. Every class is dynamic, and teachers set the tone according to a particular class’s capabilities and requirements. The emphasis is on core principles of English and tracking a child’s progress in three main components of the language: reading, writing and grammar.

Maths Tutoring: Maths is often perceived as a difficult subject by many students. We intend to change this by making Maths engrossing and fun to solve. After assessing the child’s skills, we assign a grade/level the student is deemed fit for. We follow a step-by-step approach for Maths focussing primarily on conceptual understanding. Every worksheet covers conceptual and application-based questions, which enables a thorough understanding of topics. The key is to improve math problem-solving skills and help your child develop increased focus and attention to details to succeed in classrooms and life beyond.

Term 1 highlights:

4 students were selected for scholarship spots in an esteemed grammar school. Congratulations Ashmita, Twisha, Anagh, Adnana and their proud parents.

New NRICH centres became operational at Lyndhurst and Clyde North.

NRICH Learning offered both face-to-face and online learning platforms.

Besides English and Mathematics, we are now offering, VCE-Chemistry, VCE-Maths Methods, VCE-Specialist Mathematics, VCE-English, VCE-French.

Term 2 dates

Please note the dates for the Term 2 classes

#Saturday BatchesSunday Batches
117th April 202118th April 2021
NO CLASS24th April 2021(HOLIDAY)25th April 2021(HOLIDAY)
21st May 20212nd May 2021
38th May 20219th May 2021
415th May 202116th May 2021
522nd May 202123rd May 2021
629th May 202130th May 2021
75th June 20216th June 2021
812th June 202113th June 2021
919th June 202120th June 2021
1026th June 2021(EXAM)27th June 2021(EXAM)

What’s new in Term 2:

  1. Introducing Early Reading Program for young readers: A weekly one-hour program for young readers aimed at improving their reading skills. The program focuses on early learners and children in need of support deciphering letter sounds and recognising cues to construct meaning when reading.
  2. NRICH Coding: Coding FUNdamentals introduced through SCRATCH. A multi-level computing program that prepares students for the challenges of the present and future. Look out for more details on this soon.

Operational Centres:

Our in-person classes run on weekends along with an available option of online learning. We are currently running three fully functional and operational centres in Melbourne. We offer our students the privilege to attend back up sessions at any centre if they missed out on their regular classes. We also give a free trial class to each incoming prospective student. This is for the students and parents to experience our learning methods to make a well-informed decision.

For further information and queries, please feel free to contact us without any hesitation. We are here to help you carve a beautiful academic journey for your child. So, let us help you help your child build a thriving and prospering tomorrow!

Classes conducted at the following locations.

  1. Ringwood Secondary School,
    55 Bedford Road, Ringwood, VIC- 3134.
  2. Marriott Waters Family & Community Centre,
    25 Boland Drive, Lyndhurst, VIC – 3975
  3. Selandra Rise Family & Community Centre,
    45 Haflinger Ave, Clyde North, VIC – 3978

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